Goodrich Hoist User Conference & HAI
January 09, 2020
The Goodrich Hoist User conference and the most important world-wide Helicopter Exhibition - HAI is round the corner.
Air Rescue UK will be at both events and look forward to catching up with colleagues & customers old and new!
If you want to meet with us to discuss business or to just have a chat over coffee or beer get in touch soon so we can schedule a meeting.
Goodrich Hoist User Conference 25&26 Jan
HAI 28-30 Jan
Air Rescue UK available in Anaheim 24 - 29 Jan inc
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Supporting our Customers
January 06, 2020
In the 4 days up to Christmas and immediately after the New Year we were again busy supporting one of our customers at short notice. This time our Operations Manager Trevor Abraham was providing HHO Operations for Babcock MCS on their East Coast Wind Farm Project.
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Pedal the Premiership
October 19, 2019
Our Operations Manager Trevor Abraham is now on the home straight of his Pedal the Premiership Challenge. Having cycled over 600 miles they were at London Irish first thing this morning before heading north via the home of Rugby Twickenham Stadium.
The Pedal the Premiership team of 4 have been supported by many of the 'greats' of rugby past and present during the 1000km ride to raise awareness and money for Mens Mental Health.
Follow their journey on Facebook
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Edward & Maisie Lewis Award 2
October 19, 2019
FULL CITATION – Edward & Maisie Lewis Award 2019 – Crew of Rescue Helicopter 01 Edward & Maisie Lewis Award
The back-to-back rescues of critically ill patients
onboard two different vessels in the Atlantic Ocean was recognised for
an outstanding air/sea rescue.
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Edward & Maisie Lewis Award
October 05, 2019
We are extremely proud of our team in the Falkland Islands and those they work with.
At the Shipwreck Mariners Society AGM & Awards Ceremony in London 1 Oct 2019, 2 of our SAR TC, Russ Jenkins and Bob Mullen were part of the Crew of R01, along with Pilots Capt Johnny Green & FO Damien Berthelot, who received the Edward & Maisie Lewis Award.
The Edward and Maisie Lewis Award, for an ‘outstanding rescue’, was
presented to the... Continue reading
Service & Training Delivery for Helicopter Operations - Getting it right!
May 04, 2019
How many times have you seen this meme? Many hundreds!
The real question is why do we keep seeing it? Probably for the same reason that we keep hearing that 'what the supplier delivered was not what the customer needed'! The same reason we keep seeing 'off the shelf' courses that do not meet a particular need (well maybe the need of the supplier to sell multiple courses)!
At Air Rescue UK Ltd we have a different appr... Continue reading
Med Rescue from FV An Fong 118
April 02, 2019
On the 1st of April our SAR TC along with their pilots were tasked to recover an injured fisherman from the Taiwanese registerd Squid Jigger An Fong 118.
The vessel was approximately 130Nm West of Mount Pleasant Airfield. The crew took off at 18:23 local time and found the vessel using AIS and FLIR with approximately 40Nm to run.
Arriving in darkness at 19:15hrs to a stationary vessel, beam on to a slight swell (SS2) in 25kts of wind. The winchman was... Continue reading
Initial & Refresher Hoist Operations Training for Alidaunia HEMS Rescue Crews
March 30, 2019
"You only know what you are
capable of when you think you have reached your limit... We encourage our
students to trust their skills, work with those around them and succeed
together as a crew"
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Goodrich Collins Europe visit Air Rescue UK and Alidaunia
March 27, 2019
Goodrich Collins European team Pierre Olivier Garros & Antoine Gerola came Hoisting with us and Alidaunia today to experience their product.
Over the years we have built a close working relationship with Goodrich Engineering Team, Field Service Managers and Sales. After recent restructuring within Collins Aerospace Pierre & Antoine have moved fully to focus on Goodrich Hoist sales. Based in France they are responsible for Continental Europe and parts of the Indian C... Continue reading
Clinical Governance visit to Falkland Islands
March 18, 2019
Air Rescue UK welcomes our Clinical Director Professor David Lockey to the Falkland Islands for his annual visit. Alongside flying with our team David will be conducting valuable CPD training, reviewing recent medical interventions for Clinical Governance and auditing our Drug stocks.
Good Clinical Governance and a Clinical Director with experience in Remote Emergency Care and Helicopter Operations not only underpins the medical care our Paramedic and Emergency Care crews provide, but... Continue reading
Rescue of injured sailor from SY Paradise in the South Atlantic
March 08, 2019
Early morning Thursday 7th Mar a helicopter from the Falkland Islands recovered from the search and survey vessel Seabed Constructor, a
Luxembourg national who suffered head injuries during the capsizing of
the French flagged yacht Paradise in the South Atlantic. The Hoist Recovery took place 180 NM North East of the Islands Capital Stanley.
In the Falklands, Ms Pascale Noel will be receiving further
medical attention, while the remaining crew of the Paradis... Continue reading
Goodrich Rescue Hoist User Conference and HAI
March 07, 2019
Ian & Trevor attended the Goodrich Rescue Hoist User Conference put on by Collins Aerospace on the 2nd and 3rd of March, followed by a visit to HAI.
One of the major features of the Rescue Hoist User Conference was a focus on cable & hoist management. It was interesting to hear how many different approaches there are to looking after Hoist cables that do not follow or improve on the information in the Goodrich Hoist CMM.
The picture with this post is borro... Continue reading
Alidaunia HHO Training
February 20, 2019
Air Rescue UK are proud to be embedded within Alidaunia's AOC to provide initial, refresher and standardisation training in Hoist Operations for HEMS/Rescue.
What follows is a video of a compilation from sorties during training conducted in December 2018.
Alidaunia has all the facilities to host HHO training for all operators to EASA standards and higher all conducted in Southern Italy.
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Goodrich Rescue Hoist User Conference 2019 & HAI
February 15, 2019
Ian & Trevor will be in Atlanta from 1 Mar till late on the 6 Mar for the Goodrich Rescue Hoist Users Conference and HAI HeliExpo.
For the past 5 years these 2 events have proved a useful venue to catch up with colleagues and customers old an new to discuss all that is happening in the world of Helicopter Hoist Operations; and also to catch up with key suppliers.
If you want to catch up for a chat at these events or over coffee or beer drop us a line.
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Crew missing from vessel (Squid Jigger) on fire
February 11, 2019
On the 11 Feb Air Rescue UK crews were involved in the search for missing crewmen from a Squid Jigger on fire 90NM noth of the Falkland Islands. Conditions on scene Near Gale 28-33Kts, Sea State 5 Rough.
Prior to arrival 64 crewmen from the stricken vessel had been transferred to a sister ship in Multi Seat Dinghies.
This is what confronted our crews on arrival with persons reported missing. After 3hrs 29 airborne the search was called off.
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2 Long Range SAR Ops in one day
January 24, 2019
On the 18th Jan Air Rescue UK Crews were involved in 2 separate SAR Ops approx 175NM NE of the Falkland Islands. Strong Gale - 41-47 knots, Sea State 6 Very Rough.
One Crew amassed 8hrs 14 mins of flying over the 2 SAR Ops. The following video from our Duty Winchman/Paramedic provide a flavour of the day.
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Precision Hoisting
January 20, 2019
Key to effective Hoisting is being able to place the hook (or a person) directly where you intend to. Working on precision improves CRM, Voice Marshalling (CON), Pilot Handling Skills. By not accepting 'second best' in training ensures that Hoist Operations are effective and safe!
All our training is based on precision and most of all safety whether ab-initio training over land,
Or more advanced SAR Training over the ocean.
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Practicing OEI while Hoisting
January 14, 2019
Training, we all know is vitally important but as regulators push for more and more Emergencies Training to be completed in Simulator for Pilots and less and less time is allocated for training on the aircraft are we truly prepared for emergencies during Hoist Operations.
The separation of Emergencies from routine line training can result is a severe CRM deficit during Hoist Operations where the Pilot has not been exposed to the emergency with the hoist cable extended (with or witho... Continue reading
Are you wearing the correct helmet for your role!
January 13, 2019
Rescue Swimmer or Winchman –
are you wearing a flying helmet on the wire for Decks, Cliffs and
Mountain winching or are you wearing a helmet that meets the standards
for impact and penetration EN 966 and also meets EN433 & EN12492 for
Industrial Safety and Mountaineering. Current flying helmets are not
designed to withstand objects falling on them.
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2018 & The Future
January 12, 2019
2018 saw some major changes for Air Rescue UK Ltd. Having started the year under the Corporate Ownership of Air Rescue Systems Inc in Oregon, USA and trading as Air Rescue Systems in the UK and Europe; we have ended 2018 standing alone as Air Rescue UK under private ownership and preparing to drive our business forward with our customers who require a Western European based solution and style of business over the US and FAA approach.
While the changes, from our perspect... Continue reading
A Launch Pad for The Future